IM+io Fachmagazin, Ausgabe 4/ 2023

Compliance meets Business Process.
Ein harmonisches Zusammenspiel?

Literaturhinweise & weitere Informationen

[1] Seyffarth, Tobias; Kühnel, Stephan; Sackmann, Stefan: ConFlex. An Ontology-Based Approach for the Flexible Integration of Controls into Business Processes. In: Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI) 2016, S. 1341–1352.

[2] Sadiq, Shazia; Governatori, Guido: Managing Regulatory Compliance in Business Processes. In: Handbook on Business Process Management 2, 2010, S. 159–175.

[3] Weske, Mathias: Business Process Management. Concepts, Languages, Architectures. 2019.

[4] Pretschner, Alexander; Hilty, Manuel; Basin, David: Distributed usage control. In: Commun. ACM 49 (9), 2006. S. 39.

[5] van der Aalst, Will.: Process Mining – Data Science in Action. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2016.

[6] Seyffarth, Tobias; Kühnel, Stephan; Sackmann, Stefan: A Taxonomy of Compliance Processes for Business Process Compliance. In: 15th International Conference on Business Process Management, Business Process Management Forum. In: Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing (LNBIP), 2017. S. 71–87.

[7] Sackmann, Stefan: Automatisierung von Compliance. HMD 45, 2008. 39–46.

[8] Klotz, Michael: IT-Compliance. auf den Kern reduziert. In: IT-Governance 1, 2007. S. 14–18.

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[10] Seyffarth, Tobias; Kühnel, Stephan: Maintaining business process compliance despite changes. a decision support approach based on process adaptations. In: Journal of Decision Systems, 2020.