IM+io Fachmagazin, Ausgabe 3/ 2023

Die Daten an der Angel – Über Social Engineering zum großen Datenfang

Literaturhinweise & weitere Informationen

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[2] Morgan, Steve. “Security Awareness Training Market To Hit $10 Billion Annually By 2027”. 06.07.2023

[3] Kahnemann, Daniel. “Thinking, Fast and Slow”. Penguin Verlag. 2012

[4] Neumann, Linus. “Hirne Hacken Menschliche Faktoren der IT-Sicherheit” 06.07.2023

[5] Lain, Daniele, Kari Kostiainen, and Srdjan Čapkun. „Phishing in organizations: Findings from a large-scale and long-term study.“ 2022 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP). IEEE, 2022.

[6] Bada, Maria; Angela M. Sasse; Jason RC Nurse. „Cyber security awareness campaigns: Why do they fail to change behaviour?.“ arXiv preprint arXiv:1901.02672 (2019).

[7] Sasse, Angela; Hielscher, Jonas; Friedauer, Jennifer; Buckmann, Annalina. “Rebooting IT Security Awareness – How Organisations Can Encourage and Sustain Secure Behaviours.” Proceedings of  Computer Security. ESORICS 2022 International Workshops. 2022

[8] Walter, Charlie. Asklepios verteilt Fake-Gutscheine an Corona-Helden. 06.07.2023

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[10] Pignata, Silvia; Lushington, Kurt; Sloan, Jeremy, & Buchanan, Fiona. Employees’ perceptions of email communication, volume and management strategies in an Australian university. In: Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 37(2)/2015. 159-171.

[11] Yazdanmehr, Adel; Li, Yuan, & Wang, Jingguo. Does stress reduce violation intention? Insights from eustress and distress processes on employee reaction to information security policies. In: European Journal of Information Systems, 36 (4)/2022. 1-19.

[12] Bandura, Albert. On the functional properties of perceived self-efficacy revisited. In: Journal of management, 38(1)/2012. 9-44.