IM+io Fachmagazin, Ausgabe 2/ 2023
Raus aus der Nische, rein in den Markt – Impact Investing
[1] Hand, D., Ringel, B., Danel, A. (2022) Sizing the Impact Investing Market: 2022. The Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN). New York.
[2] Bundesinitiative Impact Investing (2020): “Impact Investing in Deutschland 2020– Ein dynamischer Wachstumsmarkt”
[3] Bundesinitiative Impact Investing (2022): “Impact Investing in Deutschland 2022“
[4] Findlay, S. and Moran, M. (2018). Purposewashing of impact investing funds: motivations, occurrence, and prevention. Social Responsibility Journal, 15 (7), 853-873.