IM+io Fachmagazin, Ausgabe 1/ 2023

Nachhaltig(keit) finanzieren – Der intelligente Weg zu effizienter Fertigung

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Für die EU siehe: European Commission, European Green Deal, 2022
Für die USA siehe: EPA, FACT SHEET: Overview of the Clean Power Plan, 27 January 2023
Für das Pariser Abkommen siehe: UNFCC, The Paris Agreement, 27 January 2023

[2] Forbes, Ukraine Crisis Is Terrible News For Climate Policy, 22 February 2022

[3] OECD, Sustainable manufacturing toolkit, accessed 8 Feb 2022 aboutsustainablemanufacturingandthetoolkit.htm

[4] The Manufacturer, How digital transformation enables greater sustainability, 6 May 2021

[5] Journal of Cleaner Production (135), The state of supply chain carbon footprinting: analysis of CDP disclosures by US firms, 1 November 2016

[6] ABB, Sustainability plan pays off for ABB factory with 30Prozent energy savings, 28 October 2020; Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (94), Reducing industrial energy demand in the UK: A review of energy efficiency technologies and energy saving potential in selected sectors, October 2018; Government Office for Science, The future role of energy in manufacturing, October 2013; Mckinsey & Company, Energy efficiency: A compelling global resource, March 2010

[7] Control Engineering, How variable speed drives save energy for manufacturers, 2 November 2021 Australian Government – Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources, Motors and variable speed drivers,

[8] US Energy Information Administration, Assumptions to the Annual Energy Outlook 2017, 2017

[9] Toyota Material Handling, Growing revenues by 5Prozent while reducing CO2 emissions by 33Prozent

[10] Neutral Computing and Applications, Towards design and implementation of Industry 4.0 for food manufacturing, 25 January 2021

[11] Siemens Energy, On-site power generation for Shanghai Orient Champion Paper, accessed 15 Jun 2021